Festival Kaera-Jaan

Tartu 2024 | Kastre vald
Festival Kaera-Jaan

31.05 – 2.06

in Vooremäe

Festival Kaera-Jaan 2024 combines landscape, sculpture, community theater and heritage in Vooremäe.

The family and community event spreads out on the slopes of Vooremäe hills, winding down the paths of landscape sculptures; in the form of a community theater performance, in which to embark on an adventorous journey together with the people of the parish; with spring fair amusements and the kaerajaan themed exhibition.

The project is part of the European Capital of Culture Tartu 2024 main program.


Festivali ala pääsmeid ning etenduse pileteid on võimalik ette osta. Samuti toimub piletimüük kohapeal.

NB! Festivali ala pääsmeid ja etenduse pileteid müüakse eraldi, kuid etenduse pilet sisaldab ka festivali ala pääset, s.t festivali ala pääset eraldi soetama ei pea. 

Hill pass

Täispilet 7 €  

Õpilane, tudeng, pensionär 5 €

Grupisoodustus 10+ piletit 5 €/pilet

Laps 2-7a (k.a) tasuta

1. juunil kuni 17a (k.a) tasuta

Mida pilet sisaldab?

Etenduse pilet koos ala pääsmega

Täispilet 25 €  

Õpilane, tudeng, pensionär 20 €

Lastele vanuses kuni 6a (k.a) tasuta

Mis ajal etendused toimuvad?

Traveling to Vooremäe

By car

By car, the easiest way to reach Vooremäe Health Trails is to enter “Vooremäe terviserajad” into your preferred map app. Parking is available at the main parking lot for the health trails.

By bus

By bus, the nearest stop to Vooremäe is the Vooremäe stop, which is 1.2 km away from the trailhead. 

By bike

If you come by bike, be sure to bring a bike lock, as bikes will be left unattended in the parking lot.

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